Robotic Parking System Components

Three key components of the RPS system work together to simultaneously deliver multiple x, y, z motions. This creates a high peak traffic capacity with maximum average retrieval times of 180-220 seconds.

Entry / Exit Terminal (EES or Terminal):
The interchangeable Entry / Exit Terminal, from which cars enter or are retrieved. It can be located on any accessible level. A highly sensitive, invisible frame of laser beams inside the EES measures the position of a car, height of the car to be parked, etc. For user safety, motion sensors ensure that storage will not proceed until user exits the EES and no motion is detected from car.

Carrier with Turntable (LCM or Lower Carrier Module):
On Floor 1 (entry level), these machines move along the length of the aisle, and transport cars on pallets between the Entry / Exit Stations, Vertical Lift Carriers and the storage slots at entry level. This Lower Carrier Module has a turntable to rotate the car by 180 degrees so that it will be facing forward when the customer is ready to exit the garage.

Lift Conveyor for Car (VLC or Vertical Lift Conveyor):
This machine acts as the elevator for the pallet and car. It transfers them vertically from one level to another level. The VLC exchanges the pallet and car with the Upper Carrier Module or Lower Carrier Modules, which then move the car and pallet to its designated space.

On the RPS 1000 System, the three elements above are in separate geographic locations within the system. On the RPS 2000 System, they are combined in the same location for the purpose of saving space.

Carrier with Turntable (LCM or Lower Carrier Module):
On Floor 1 (entry level), these machines move along the length of the aisle, and transport cars on pallets between the Entry / Exit Stations, Vertical Lift Carriers and the storage slots at entry level. This Lower Carrier Module has a turntable to rotate the car by 180 degrees so that it will be facing forward when the customer is ready to exit the garage.

Lift Conveyor for Car (VLC or Vertical Lift Conveyor):
This machine acts as the elevator for the pallet and car. It transfers them vertically from one level to another level. The VLC exchanges the pallet and car with the Upper Carrier Module or Lower Carrier Modules, which then move the car and pallet to its designated space.

On the RPS 1000 System, the three elements above are in separate geographic locations within the system. On the RPS 2000 System, they are combined in the same location for the purpose of saving space:

Carrier without Turntable (UCM or Upper Carrier Module):
RPS 1000 only, installed only on storage levels. The Upper Carriers Module transports the pallet and car from the Vertical Lift Conveyor to an empty parking slot on its level. When retrieving a car, the module takes the pallet and car from the parking slot and puts it back into the Vertical Lift Conveyor at its respective level.

Rack Entry Module (REM):
The Lower Carrier Module and the Upper Carrier module both have a Rack Entry Module (REM) that stores and retrieves the car, on its pallet, from its specified slot.

Pallet Management System:

Four components work separately and independently to smoothly move cars on their pallets through the system, efficiently feeding and retrieving pallets based on the peak traffic needs.

The vehicle is driven into the EES and onto the pallet, a steel platform with grooves, and positioned for storage. The grooves help to quickly position the car and speed up parking and throughput. The car remains on the pallet at all times. The pallet will capture any debris or runoff (oil, salt, melting snow, water, etc.) from the car.

The use of pallets in the RPS system prevents drippings of oil, acids, air conditioner condensation or salt water onto cars from either the parking system machinery or the cars on upper levels. It also guarantees that no machinery or other people ever touch the vehicle. This design feature ensures one of the highest standards of product liability protection for automated parking facilities.

The Robotic Parking System pallet is 2235 mm / 88 inch wide by 5791 mm / 19 feet long. This pallet size accommodates standard as well as wide sedans and very large SUVs. These include Escalade, Yukon X, Chevy Tahoe, Nissan Patrol, Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Range Rover, Land Cruiser, Chevy Suburban, Navigator, Maserati, Aston Martin, Porsche, Alfa Romeo, Ford Excursion, and Nissan Armada.

Pallet Shuttle (PS):
After the pallet with a newly entered car leaves the EES, the pallet shuttle feeds the EES a new pallet. When a car exits, the pallet shuttle removes the pallet.

Pallet Stacker (PST):
The Pallet Stacker holds a stack of pallets. It exchanges a single pallet with the Pallet Shuttle and exchanges a bundle of pallets with the Pallet Vertical Lift:

Lift Conveyor for Pallet (PVL or Pallet Vertical Lift):
Located directly above the Pallet Stacker, the Pallet Vertical Lift exchanges bundles of pallets with a Upper Carrier Module on an upper floor, and with the Pallet Stacker on the EES level.


Multiple levels of software controls are used to automate the RPS systems. The Level-1 machine control system is responsible for turning on motors and receiving / interpreting signals from the sensing devices located on each piece of parking equipment. The Level-2 garage manager system is responsible for issuing instructions to the machinery and for managing data such as mission logs, occupancy levels and user information. The human machine interface (HMI) with its myriad forms of diagnostics allows operators and maintenance technicians to interface with the machinery in automatic, semi-automatic and manual modes.

For more information about how our automated vehicle parking system could benefit your project, contact Robotic Parking Systems.Our experts provide initial automated parking designs at no cost and no risk to architects and developers working on projects.